Scoliosis Support Group

Lately, there have been a lot of questions as to my decision for the surgery. Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves at different degrees. Some people are able to deal, others aren't. There are cases where spines are so severe it makes breathing difficult, it makes moving difficult. However, everyone is different and every experience isn't the same. 

My little ones situation is a bit different. Her scoliosis was noticed when she was just in kindergarten. Her curve began at forty degree, and corrected itself with brace to about twenty- seven degrees. In between getting a new brace, things were postpone and it worsened to sixty-seven degrees. 

Surgery Day- After surgery, she slept a lot, wasn't as social and she threw up. 

Day 1- Lots of sleep, very thirsty while awake, :( ,

Day 2- Pain just go away- She sees her before and after photos and says, wow, the curve is gone. However, seeing them dope her up with medicine(morphine) to be exact, pissed me off.

Day 3- Drowsy from medicines, very agitated with certain things, 

Day 4- Blood transfusion(something I'm against, and never again will that happen) Next surgery, we will plan ahead and donate our own blood prior to surgery, However, after the fact, she has more energy, walking on her own(with walker; even though a few times, she tried to impress me greatly), NO MORE MORPHINE and breathing treatments to break up the phlegm.  

Day 5- Check out the new blog which will post 6/10. The next blog will discuss what could I have done differently in this case.

Mothers and fathers who have children with this condition, I salute you all.




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