Poo Shampoo 🚫

Are you using any of the following shampoos? If so, you may want to reconsider.
  1. MG217 Medicated Conditioning     Shampoo
  2. Prell Classic Clean Shampoo
  3. American Crew Classic Daily Shampoo
  4. Palmolive Caprice (Anti-Ceramidas Shampoo)
  5. Organics by Africa’s Best Olive Oil Shampoo
  6. Straight Arrow Mane ‘n Tail Shampoo
  7. Carol’s Daughter RUI (Moisturizing Sulfate-Free Shampoo)
  8. Ouidad Climate Control Defrizzing Shampoo
  9. Vanart Classic Herbal Essence Shampoo
  10. Rusk Brilliance Shampoo
It dries out your skin
It CAN cause cancer 
Cocamide DEA is found in shampoos, hand soaps, and cosmetics. Look out especially for any ingredient containing the phrase DEA, MEA and TEA. 
Behind the scenes:
Some manufacturers are masking ingredients with some of the following listed (which are practically the same substance) 
Watch out for your shampoos!!! 
Coming from a natural, avoiding majority of shampoos is something that I thrive for. Shampoos tend to strip out natural oils from the scalp. Our sebum naturally produces oils all the time, which is a wonderful thing, so limiting the amount of shampoo you use, may become more beneficial in your hair journey. 
In the Holistic world, every month I do a bentonite clay, acv or lemon with oil 
Clarification wash. It's so much easier to maintain and healthier. The cuticles are softer, FLAT, each hair strand retains moisture well after clarification. 
Honestly, Once per month is usually good enough for clarification washes. 
Co washing is a weekly ordeal for my 4a,b and c hair and just a ton of moisture for porous manes, i.e.,4A-C communities. 
Holistic ways are becoming more popular everyday to avoid instances such as this. It's scary to know that the products we consume can cause cancer. Avoid at all costs and pay attention to labels. 
Being that I've been down that road and taking cancer therapy treatments, it's not an easy road. Health first. We have only one body to live. 


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